You have read my posts that describe the powerful healing impact
of pets. I take my dog Pappy to a nearby nursing home every day and boy do I hear it
if I come without him! No one even bothers to say hello to me, they just look
disappointed and ask “Where is Pappy?”
How have you used your pet to brighten someone’s day?
I don’t want to be morbid but I want to make sure that
people begin to think about care for their pets after they pass away. If you do
not make any plans, your beloved companions may be surrendered to an animal
shelter. If your pet is an older pet it is more difficult to find placement for
him or her when they are in a shelter. Have you prepared any plans? If so, what
plans did you make?
Here are some steps that you can take to plan ahead and
prepare if that should happen to you:
We are still learning what our friends in the animal kingdom
can do. We are beginning to make strides but there is so much more to
understand about all the things they are capable of. Here are some other stories
of human acts that pets and wild animals have performed: